May 2023 I For proper sealing of s::can sensors in flow cells or in the pipe::scan O-rings are used on many of our products. To avoid unnecessary force during mounting and demounting or any damage of the O-rings, s::can recommends to apply a thin layer of sealing grease onto these O-rings.
Sealing grease for easier and simplified handling
For proper sealing of s::can sensors in flow cells or in the pipe::scan O-rings are used on many of our products. To avoid unnecessary force during mounting and demounting or any damage of the O-rings, s::can recommends to apply a thin layer of sealing grease onto these O-rings. Furthermore, the plastic union nuts as used in various s::can flow-cells and the auto::brush will run smoother after appliance of little sealing grease onto the threads.
We do not recommend to use any sealing grease on the O-Rings of the multifunctional slide (as this can falsify reference measurement).
Technical Vasiline can be used for waste water or non critical applications.
Especially for drinking water applications the used grease must be certificated for this specific use. Within s::can production and s::can Customer Service we are using MOLYKOTE® Compound from DUPONT for all drinking water applications.
This product is compatible to the O-Rings and other materials of s::can products and meets the following water regulations: NSF 51, NSF 61, FDA 21 CFR 175.300, Water Regulations Advisory Scheme Approval BS9260 (England), IPL (France), AS/NZS 4020:2018 (Austrialia) & HyCert (Germany).
Both sealing greases mentioned above do withstand the operational limits as specified for s::can products. Thus, they can be applied in all typical applications of the entire s::can product range.
MOLYKOTE® Compound can be used for the O-Rings of s::can reference- , pH-, ORP- and ISE-electrodes also, which simplifies the periodical replacement of the s::can electrodes significantly (take care not to apply grease onto windows of optical probes, bristles of brushes, membranes and active surfaces of electrodes). Furthermore, applying small amount of MOLYKOTE® onto the male thread of the spectrometer probe’s M12 connector plug (take care not to cover the pins with grease) will support its easy connection to s::can terminals.
If MOLYKOTE® 111 is not available in your country, you can ask s::can sales to include s::can item no. A001175 in your next order.