s::can Stories

A collection of videos from our s::can film team about selected references worldwide.

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Monitoring the waste water of the dairy Mittelland Molkerei in Switzerland


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Location: Suhr, Schweiz

Application: Industrial Monitoring

The dairy Mittelland Molkerei in Suhr in Switzerland is the biggest dairy of the whole region and belongs to the Emmi group. Emmi is the largest milk processing company in Switzerland. At the plant Emmi processes milk into butter, cream and drinking milk. A modern in-house waste water treatment plant treats the water before it is discharged into the municipal waste water plant. The water quality gets monitored with four s::can probes.

Process optimization at the Appenzeller Beer Brewery


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Location: Appenzell, Switzerland

Application: Industrial Monitoring

The Appenzeller Bier brewery is a family owned company that is famous for their highest quality specialty beers. It is part of their authentic green philosophy to conserve and protect the beautiful surroundings and intact nature. They consider waste water treatment an integrated piece of their production process and monitor their waste water by s::can equipment to be able to optimize their processes and meet highest environmental standards.

Water quality monitoring of the Atoyac River in Mexico


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Location: Puebla, Mexico

Application: River Monitoring

In December 2017 s::can has installed 12 monitoring systems in 9 stations along the Atoyac River as a service project for IPN, financed by the Puebla government, in order to measure the trends of water quality and to investigate the origin of industrial pollution. 20 parameters are getting measured with the s::can equipment. The Atoyac River is one of the most polluted rivers in the world. Therefore it is important to find out where all the pollution comes from, in order to take further action for the protection of the river and for re-establishment of an acceptable status.

s::can monitors the water quality of the Alseseca River in Mexico


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Location: Puebla, Mexico

Application: River Monitoring

Over years, the Atoyac-Alseseca river system has gotten polluted by industrial waste water as well as the population. A scientist team measures the water quality with s::can products, to detect polluting parameters in real-time, where they come from, and to take countermeasures immediately. Furthermore, awareness needs to be risen among the people to ensure that the river system is kept clean, which is made possible by showing them the results of the analysis.

Ganga River Monitoring


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Location: India

Application: River Monitoring

Rivers play an important role in the culture of India. Ganges is a sacred river to Hindus and they call the it “Mother Ganga”. Drinking from Ganga and bathing in her water is believed to purify your body. At the same time Indian rivers are among the most polluted in the world. s::can has installed 36 monitoring stations along the Ganga river, which continuously measure the water quality in real time. The collected information strengthens the regulation and oversight of the river’s pollution load by helping planners better understand the origins of pollution, as well as to assess the impact of treatment on the water’s quality.

s::can monitors the Ganges River


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Location: India

Application: River Monitoring

In India, the Ganga river is seen as a holy water. However, industries, the population and cultural customs, such as the release of dead bodies into the water, pollute the river. Therefore, 36 monitoring stations along the Ganga river are installed and are sending accurate water quality data to the government for five years. Those stations are placed from the mountains of Gangotri to the plains of Kolkata, 1500 kilometres down the river. Guddu Baba, an activist fighting for the holy river, gave his blessings to our monitoring program and accompanies our video.

Water Quality Monitoring at an Indian Paper Mill


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Location: New Delhi, India

Application: Industrial Monitoring

India is investing impressively into reduction and control of industrial emissions. s::can is part of this program, providing its products for industrial waste water monitoring with close to 1000 installations country-wide. An Indian Paper Mill uses our applications and was able to raise its water recycling rate to 90%, to ensure that only perfectly treated water will feed back into the delicate manufacturing process. Eight parameters are measured online by s::can’s maintenance-free system, enabling to lower the costs compared to a traditional monitoring system and ensuring the use of purified water in the process.

Austrian company s::can monitors water quality worldwide


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Location: Vienna, Austria

Clean water doesn’t come by itself anywhere in the world. The Austrian company s::can develops, produces and sells spectrometer probes and systems to monitor water quality worldwide. In countries like India or Mexico the company is doing pioneer work. The Austrian TV-station ORF was visiting s::can’s headquarters in Vienna and interviewed CEO and owner Andreas Weingartner.

s::can’s 20th anniversary celebration


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Location: Vienna, Austria

On September 13th 2019 s::can celebrated its 20th anniversary with over 180 people from all around the world. Customers, Sales partners, Friends of s::can and s::can team members enjoyed an unforgettable day together, which will be remembered for years to come.