Category: 新闻
你可能听说过一种致病的军团菌,会引起致严重的肺炎,并导致死亡。建筑物内部供水系统中军团菌对公众健康的影响是一个长期存在的问题,直到今天,还没有疫苗可以预防这种疾病。… -
New sustainable packaging
November 2020, As a global company in the field of water quality monitoring, we have been caring about sustainability since our… -
s::can与您相约丹麦哥本哈根的2022年国际水大会暨展览会(IWA 2022)
2022年8月 | 2022年9月11日到15日,全球水行业盛会“2022年国际水大会暨展览会(IWA 2022)”将在丹麦哥本哈根举行。世界各地的水行业专家相聚于此,共同探讨“智能宜居城市的水行业”的相关创新主题和解决方案。 s::can、Badger Meter和 ATi UK 诚邀您前来参观指导,我们的展位在C2馆378号站台(C2-378)。 展会时间:2022年9月11-15日 展会地点:丹麦 哥本哈根,中央大道5号贝拉中心(Bella Center, Center Boulevard… -
Visit s::can at the Long Night of Research 2022
May 2022 | The Long Night of Research (LNF) will take place on May 20, 2022 from 5 p.m. -
The importance of continuous online water quality monitoring in drinking water production, storage and distribution in regard to climate change
The global rise in temperature in regard to climate change affects the water supply in many different ways. In Austria,… -
Visit s::can at IFAT in Munich in hall C1, stand 328!
May 2022 | IFAT is the World’s Leading Trade Fair for Water, Sewage, Waste and Raw Materials Management, and is… -
“中国环博会IFAT China”将延期举办
受近期上海疫情影响,原定于2022年4月在上海举办的“中国环博会IFAT China“将延期举办,改期后的具体时间我们将第一时间通知您。 愿疫情早日结束,愿山河无恙人间皆安。 期待,与您下一次的相聚。 欢迎关注我们的网站和公众微信号。 获取s::can最新的产品资讯,欢迎email联系 或致电021-34060311。… -
Meet s::can at SIWW 2022
From 17 to 21 April 2022 the Singapore International Water Week takes place. SIWW is considered one of the most… -
2022年2月 | 作为2021年圣诞慈善活动的一部分,s::can资助了维也纳的一家慈善机构MOKI, 这家机构致力于为生活受影响的儿童和年轻人提供照顾和帮助。… -
Intelligent IoT enabled spectrometer probe for smart water quality monitoring
The new spectro::lyser V3 – High performance online water quality monitoring! s::can proudly announces the launch of the next generation… -
Recording of the webinar “In-depth Application Knowledge from Experts: Environmental Monitoring”
December 2021 | In the third part of our new webinar series “In-depth Application Knowledge from Experts”, Lukas Kornfeind (Application… -
Visit s::can at Pollutec in Lyon from November 27 to November 30 2018 at booth 5-C110!
Pollutec will be celebrating its 40th anniversary in 2018; step by step, the trade show has established itself as a true…